FP Configurator for IPX
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The FP Configurator for IPX utility lets you view and change the FaxPress’ IPX address information.
The FP Configurator for IPX utility is part of the Administration Tools group of administration utilities, which is installed when you perform the supervisor client installation option.
To run FP Configurator for IPX, follow these steps:
Go to Start>Programs>FaxPress>Administration Tools>FP Configurator for IPX to display the FaxPress Configuration dialog box, as shown below. |
Enter the FaxPress server’s serial number in the text box. |
Click on Show Settings and the relevant data for this sever will be displayed. |
Moving a FaxPress Server
To reconfigure a FaxPress server before moving it to a new location:
If you want to move your server installed on a Novell IP network, you will first need to change the IP address. Click the IP Settings button to launch the FaxPress IP |
Enter the TCP/IP address for the new location in the text box. |
If you are moving the server installation to a different file server, enter the name of the new file server in the text box. |
You may have to change the Gateway settings also if the new location is on a different segment. |
If necessary, replace the current subnet mask with the subnet mask the FaxPress will use in its new location. |
Click on the SET button to store the information in the FaxPress to return to the main dialog box. |
Select to implement your changes. |
Troubleshooting Support
To capture the FaxPress server network traffic details:
Click on the button to display the dialog box. |
To set the flag for capturing network traffic data during the boot up period, click . And select Perform. |
When you set this flag, FaxPress will capture the network traffic from the start of the boot up procedure until the capture buffer is full. Capture buffer size is set automatically as follows:
1 MB if the total memory size is 4 MB. |
2 MB if the total memory size is 8 MB. |
4 MB if the total memory size is 12 MB. |
6 MB if the total memory size is 16 MB. |
10 MB if the total memory size is 32 MB. |
To include the capture of broadcast packets, click . |
To capture network traffic during run time, click on the box, and select . FaxPress will capture the data until the buffer is full. |
You can designate the size of the buffer by changing the number in the box. Each digit represents a MB of buffer space. |
To include the capture of broadcast packets, click . |
To dump the captured data to a file, click . |
Designate the file name and location by clicking the button. |
The file format is compatible with Microsoft network monitor and has the *.cap extension.
After dumping the captured data to a file, click , to delete the data and reclaim the space. |
Click to save settings. |
After you have made the appropriate changes, click . This will return you to the main menu. |
Select to implement your changes. |
Setting the Network Packet Type
FaxPress Ethernet and Token Ring servers are configured to automatically determine the network packet type required to communicate on the network. FaxPress supports the IEEE standard. The automatic feature broadcasts a frame type over the network and waits for a response. If the network does not respond to the frame type, the FaxPress broadcasts the next frame type. This cycle continues until the FaxPress broadcasts the frame type your network uses.
To set the frame type the FaxPress uses, follow these steps:
Click the FP Configurator’s button to bring up the window. |
Possible Ethernet frame types are:
Possible Token Ring Frame types are:
802.2 SNAP source routing |
802.2 non-source routing |
802.2 SNAP non-source routing |
After you have made the appropriate changes, click . This will return you to the main menu. |
Select to implement your changes. |
Changing the FaxPress Server Password
To change the password associate with your FaxPress server, follow these steps:
Enter the new Password in the Password text box, and retype it in the Confirm Password text box. |
After you have made the appropriate changes, click . This will return you to the main menu. |
Select to implement your changes. |
Converting FaxPress 3.x Phone Books to FaxPress 4.x Phone Books
This utility lets you convert FaxPress 3.x phone books to FaxPress 4.x phone book format, and 5.x to 6.x/7.x format. The phone book you want to convert must be in working order before you can convert it. Fix any phone book problems before running them in this utility.
The PB3to4 utility is found in the PhoneBook Conversion folder, which is part of the Administration Tools group of administration utilities, that is installed when you perform the Client Installation and choose the supervisor installation option.
To convert a 3.x phone book:
Go to the PhoneBook Conversion folder and click on PB3to4.exe to display the pb3to4 dialog box, as shown below. |
Click OK to display the name conversion screen, then click Yes or No. |
In the Open window, locate the phone book you want to convert. |
The path to the phone book is:
serial_number is the serial number of the FaxPress server where the phone book is located and id_number is a number assigned by the FaxPress that maps to a mailbox user. You can use the IDLIST utility to identify the user.
Select and then click on OK. |
The utility converts the selected phone book to a 4.x format. The size of the file affects the length of time it takes the conversion to complete.
If there are additional phone books in the directory, a message appears asking you if you want to convert another user phone book. You can also choose to convert all of the user phone books by clicking on the box in front of Convert all user phone books. Make your selection.
Select No to exit the utility. |
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Last Updated: 9/12/2007
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